Monday, October 28, 2013

Sister Sharron Sunday School 10/27/13

Sister Sharron Sunday School 10/27/13
I so appreciate having my heart changed.  When I was in sin I was haughty.  I didn’t care what people thought or whether I was well-dressed or sloppy. 

Sister Kayla said if you have anything inappropriate in your mouth use a napkin.  Some of having manners is common sense; it has to do with what is appropriate. 

Table manners are to avoid ugliness.  No one should see what you are eating or hear all the sounds.  That is proper kindness and pleasantness.  Etiquette is to encourage those around us. 

Charming women are charming to their husband and to all around them.  I feel that everyone here does this so it seems awkward to speak on.

Brother Gary - it is a good point of reference.  When we meet one that doesn’t have good manners it allows us to say, “We just had a good Sunday school lesson on manners and this is what it was…”

It is important that we set an example.  We are not slaves to our phone.  The one sitting before you means something.  When my phone rang in the restaurant, I did not answer it.  There is nothing wrong with answering and saying: “I just sat down to eat; can I give you a call back?” 

Every child can be trained.  There is not a child born that cannot be trained.  If you train them when they are young and bring them up then it will be easier. 

Children need to be trained to sit down, and should never get up during a meal.  They need to learn to sit still.  They need to learn to run and play but we forget the other side.  They need to be trained to be pleasant to be around. 

Sister Brenda - If parents will train their children at home how to be reverent during devotions, then when they come to church they will know how to do it.  We used to practice a lot of things.  I had them walk off and when I called they practiced stopping and listening.  They must practice at home and then they will know how to do it.  Don’t wait until they get into the restaurant or the church.  Make it an everyday way of life.

Brother Bill - It seems that people are getting away from structure in their life or according to the gospel.  They ‘just follow what the spirit says’ instead of following what the Word of God says.  We need to have structure.  God has it that the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west and the water stays where it is put and so on.

We need to be careful of our mealtime conversation.  I don’t like to hear gross stuff.  Stay away from controversial conversation.  Mealtime is to be enjoyed.  I love good conversation and food.  The mealtime is not a time to discuss conflicts.  It needs to be a peaceful and enjoyable time. 

Going to church is not the time for conflicts either.  I did this with my children.  Brother Gary taught me this and I had to learn.  Going to church should be a pleasant time. 

Sister Alice - I told my children that meal time would be a happy time.  If someone spills the milk I don’t want anyone to fuss.  People spill.  It is ok.  I want meal time to be happy.

When you pass the food, then whatever way you handle it so that it is more convenient whether to the left or to the right, pass all the food the same way.  When I start eating I put the napkin in my lap and I wait for the hostess or host to start eating.  When they call you to come and eat, don’t finish a big conversation before going to the table.

If they pass a heavy dish hold it for the next person so they can serve them self and then pass it.  Unless you are told to start by your host, don’t eat your desert until the host is ready to eat. 

I don’t want to make any of my guests uncomfortable.  You don’t want to eat sloppy or anything but there is a proper way for the hostess to act too.  You don’t want to make your guests uncomfortable.

A gentleman considers the rights and feelings of someone else and never does anything unpleasant to others.  Never take more than your share, whether you are driving, sitting in a chair, or filling your plate full when there are others behind you.  Take a good portion but remember that you are one of many.

A gentleman never borrows money from a lady.  I don’t know that this is the case for husbands and wives; they must work out their own thing.  The man is responsible for a lady in general.  Except in unexpected circumstances, it should not be a way in general for a gentleman to borrow money from a lady.

Psa 37:21  The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.

It is wickedness to borrow and not pay again.  David said to let there be no wicked way in me.  It is serious.

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