Monday, June 17, 2013

Brother Gary Sunday Morning 6/16/13

Brother Gary Sunday Morning 6/16/13
Psa 145:1  David's Psalm of praise. I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.
Psa 145:2  Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.
Psa 145:3  Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.

The unsearchable greatness of God!  As I worked on this message this last week, my soul thrilled, beat with gratitude and thanksgiving.  God’s greatness exceeds all we can comprehend.

His greatness in power:  It is impossible to search out the depth of the power of God.  When we recognize the power it requires to supply our needs, after our needs are supplied His power is not diminished at all.  He is just as powerful as He was when He spoke the world into existence.

The greatness of the wisdom of God:  God’s wisdom is there to provide even when we feel that we are disappointed.  God’s wisdom is there to provide even when we are dealt unjustly with or are up against a wall and there is no answer.  It is good when we get there and recognize that we have exhausted our resources.  God is there to step in.

His wisdom is unsearchable and we cannot comprehend it all.

The greatness of His riches:  Not just in all the gold, silver, or oil.  Even if I had a number of the barrels of oil in Montana, it is just an estimate.  His wealth far exceeds what man can calculate.  That is just tangible wealth, the wealth of having a friend that sticks closer than a brother, the wealth of His ability to bring a song in the night.  He needs no modern technology to do this.

The greatness of His works:  there are even greater works than those visible to the eye.  The Psalmist David said, I muse at thy works.  His ability to move mountains, to build a bridge, to unite a heart, and turn darkness into light are greatness of His works.

The greatness of His understanding:  you and I so often wish we could comprehend not only what God would have us to do but how we might get it done for God.

For each of us that is saved, the whole goal of our life is to convey to others the good things of God.  God has an understanding, sometimes it is for you to be a light other times it is for you to be a voice.

God’s greatness in judgment:  we often calculate the judgment of God to be something that we should be afraid of but it is God giving a verdict.  For any verdict that He would give, if He in his mercy would visit you with judgment and show you a need in your life it is always followed by an answer of how to please God and get the need met.

The greatness of His love:  the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ are not for someone else or to be left untouched.  They are designed to make your everyday life be rich.

The judgment of God and of the way that He comes to the rescue of a precious soul:  I thought of the song, p296 in the hymnal, written by Fanny Crosby.  Fanny Crosby received a great injustice in her life.  If she had not then she probably wouldn’t have written the thousands of songs that she wrote.  At six weeks old a physician put a substance into her eyes that blinded her for life. 

May you and I be convicted deeply of not allowing whatever would be the greatest challenge we would have, to be more than a challenge, to be something that causes us to get to God and say, “God what is your verdict and what good can come out of this?

Injustice is a part of life.  We live in perilous times and have need of grace.  Sometimes the difficulty is not removed.  It is an old story.  The Apostle Paul prayed that the thorn would be removed from his flesh.  I don’t know what the most difficult thing in your life is that causes you pain and hurt, but Jesus appeared to Paul and said, “My grace is sufficient for you.”

Fanny received a great injustice but she met Jesus Christ and wrote the song: Unsearchable Riches.

Oh the unsearchable riches of Christ! 
Wealth that can never be told; 
Riches exhaustless of mercy and grace,
Precious , more precious than gold!

Rom 11:33  O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

Wisdom is the design of God.  This morning, God has wisdom for every life in this audience today, June 16, 2013.  What an awesome God that has wisdom for a child and wisdom for an aged gentleman of 88.  The design of God! 

Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  If we allow the spirits of our age, if we allow the natural tendency to be self protecting and preserving, if we allow the pain that comes to us from various sources, we will put ourselves into the shell.  “I don’t want to do anything because I might get hurt again.” 

I want to preach hard on it because I am an authority.  I am a man and both sides of my brain work.  We can fill our life with human reasoning and it will make us a recluse, a historian filled with the failures of others, but we will possess no wisdom of God for today, June 16, 2013.

Individuals may have messed up your life, and you may have messed it up.  You cannot control what others do but you can control the affect it has on you.

This treasure of knowledge, God knows how to put to work the wisdom that He has for your life.  You may be up against a wall in a lot of things.  There is a treasure and a source, a resource that is greater than all of our minds can comprehend of wisdom and understanding. 

On the thought of judgment, it is to be laid to the line and righteousness to the plummet.  It is to bring a verdict in our life so that we get to the resource and are changed and brought to the help that we need.

I was thinking of an individual, not here, that has had great losses.  A lot of them are because they have made wrong choices. 

Let me help you, there are all of these riches of the treasures in Christ.  When an individual lets God come near to them and realize, I am broken hearted and there are a lot of places I could turn to to try to receive help.  I could go to drugs, I could go to alcohol, go here or there, I could look in and feel sorry for myself, or I could have God’s judgment come and deal with this. 

There is not one challenge but God has a verdict and answer for.  God has an answer past a shadow of a doubt.  His ways are past finding out.

You could be here and say, “You don’t know how my heart is broken.”  I don’t know, I love souls but when you meet the reality between you and God and say, “God I desperately need your help” and the verdict is, this is right, this is wrong and this is how it is supposed to be. 

When God says, “This is how it is supposed to be”, He is the unlimited resource to come through with the ways.

Eph 1:8  Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;

When God comes near to us, it is tough.  I am an authority by experience.  God abounds toward us in all wisdom and prudence.  Wisdom is the design of God and prudence is how to fulfill the design of God.

The vast thing is contained in three words, submit to God.

Jas 4:7  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

They are some of the easiest words to say, they are cliché words, “I have it all submitted to God, but ….”  When you have it all submitted to God there is no but. 

God abounds toward us, but unless we submit to Him we go on chasing our own way.  God in His mercy comes back over and over again.  He says, “Child I want you to do this.”  We thank God for His mercy.

2Co 3:5  Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;

We are not sufficient in our self.  The sooner we experience this in our soul, the easier our heart, our mind, and our spirit is. 

We want to be challenged.  We never want to reach the place where we care about nothing and are full of lukewarmness.  We want to recognize our need of love and our need to love.  We need the help of God in our daily decisions, our needs to reach to one another and to reach the lost.

Every one of us desperately needs the design of God.  That is wisdom.  “God, what would you have me to do?”  Then after He tells us, “Help me to receive knowledge of how to get this done.”

When God brings a verdict to our life, a verdict for us as an individual then we must submit to Him. “God is wanting me to move this way; God I will submit to you.”

I thought this morning of the responsibility of fathers to be the head of the home, to love the children and love the wife, we need God.  We need God’s verdict for every decision, for every crisis, and for every plan.  It is not wrong to make plans.  We need God’s direction.

As we age there are decisions to be made.  This brother has plans to retire, this brother has plans of working, and this brother plans to shrink the herd.  In our plans we have challenges.  For every challenge and crisis that comes near to us we need a verdict from God of what we ought to do. 

The verdict must come from God; the judgment must come from God.  When God says, “Son, you need help here”, if there is sin in your life, God always says, “The verdict is that this is sin.  The only cure for sin is repentance.” 

If an individual talks or hears too much:  If you hear too much and it messes up your vision and it puts clouds and confusion in your mind, you need to get to God and ask Him what the verdict is in this.

There are people that know everything that is going on in their family.  As long as it doesn’t mess you up spiritually then you have no problem with this pastor or with God.  But if it starts messing you up spiritually and He submits a verdict, then you say, “I will submit to God.” 

When you submit to God then you open His treasure house.  If you say, “I will hang onto that even if I have to grit my teeth to handle it.”  If God says, “Let something go,” then we have to say, “Take it.”

The verdict from God always comes with three things.  All need God’s verdict for every decision, crisis, plan, and challenge in our life.  When God gives a verdict, “This is my judgment on that.”  Three things come with it, wisdom, prudence, and God’s ways.

As terrible as the crisis was for Fanny, when God began to bless her she said, “I am glad that I am blind; I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 

When we submit to God then we open a treasure house that far exceeds anything that we submit to Him.

Do you need a verdict from God today?  There is nothing wrong with you if you do.  You may say, “Church, I am in a crisis.”  When God gives you a verdict, will you submit to Him?  We can pray and pray but we are not going to change God.  God has abounded toward you and me in wisdom.  He has abounded toward us in knowledge. 

I think so well of souls and they needed to get saved; they wanted to get saved but wondered, “How can I get saved with this and that.”  All they had to do is to get saved and submit this and that, and He would give His wisdom and His plan.

Our challenge is met by God’s verdict when we seek Him.  God’s verdict will not be the answer that you want but it will be the answer that you need.  When you submit to God, His way is so much higher than any of ours.

His way opens all the treasures of heaven.  I’m talking of peace, grace, love that edifies your brother and sister, kindness, joy, longsuffering, patience, humility, meekness, temperance, and all those things that are a part of God’s ways.

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