Brother Gary Sunday Morning 5/26/13
Pro 29:18 Where there is
no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
It is very important that we have a spiritual vision. Where is no vision spiritually, we will
perish. Much has been written in the Old
and New Testament of being dim of vision and drunk. Jude wrote that they turned the grace of God
into lasciviousness.
I want you to teach me.
I have no problem being taught by children or other saints. Men and women turn from the marvelous grace
of God to something that is even worse than moral sin. I am not telling you that moral sin is ever
right it is always wrong.
To have known God and truth, having fellowship with God and
with one another, and to turn and lose vision of the love of God and truth
positions us in a place that is worse than moral sin.
I must have a spiritual vision. I openly ask you to pray for my spiritual
vision. If I don’t have a spiritual
vision I will be lost and others will be lost.
If you don’t have a spiritual vision not only will you be lost but
others will be lost.
A ‘vision’ means to mentally perceive and contemplate in our
mind with pleasure toward that which is ordained of God. Everywhere you look today you see sights that
are past being scary. When men and women
are living in sin, there is that which is alarming.
God has ordained that we view spiritual things that we can
view with pleasure and confidence.
Isaiah is a marvelous book and right while writing about the
literal circumstances that were going on in that day, there is a prophecy that
comes. “Unto us a child is born…”
Right among the plans to have a garden and go fishing, you
must have spiritual plans. “I hope to
pray more. I hope to read through this
scripture. I hope to talk to someone
about their spiritual condition. I hope
to encourage my brother and sister.”
God spoke to Isaiah, “This is so sad that my people don’t
know me.” Everyone in this audience is
sad with the tornado that hit Moore Oklahoma.
The thought of a child going to school and already they have had a
funeral for that one.
We must know God and know what He teaches. God said, “My people don’t know me.” It is not enough to just be religious and
give people a Bible. The vitalness is
that they know God.
Isa 1:1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which
he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
Isa 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also
the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the
Isa 6:2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had
six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet,
and with twain he did fly.
Isa 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy,
holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the
whole earth is full of his glory.
The angels were there giving such honor to Christ. Two of the wings covered their face, two
covered their feet, and with two they flew.
The humility of the angels, who had never known sin, in the presence of
the almighty God! They were saying
We know what Holy means.
The angels were worshipping Him that was upon the throne. They were saying, “Holy” and then another one
was saying, “Holy.”
This means that the same God that was filling the whole
temple and the whole earth is clean.
This God is so pure, so clean. He
looks at every one of us.
When we were a child, He looked at us all with the thought, “If
they live to the age of accountability I want them to be saved.”
His attitude is an attitude of wholesomeness. We live in such an unwholesome world. Our atmosphere will be charged with such
unholy spirits.
“Trying to walk in the steps of the savior... When we are tempted to turn from his side.” Elisha Hewitt that wrote that song was a man
that lived holy. His atmosphere was like
my atmosphere that tried to get him to turn away from God.
Our atmosphere will try to get us to feel so sorry for
ourselves. Life is not going to be easy
and work is not going to be easy. My
wife tells me that this is the reason that work is not called work. Jesus came so that he could help us with the
difficult things in life.
“We have it so rough and tough, poor me.” Our atmosphere is charged with a spirit that
would try to run us away from God. And we should turn to God.
Pure, ‘holy’ means pure.
We are so glad to have one to look at that is clean and pure. I saw things I never thought I would see in
my lifetime in Missoula yesterday. It is
so wonderful to have someone to look at that is pure, holy, and undefiled.
We are so blessed to have a vision of seeing one high and
lifted up that is pure, clean, undefiled, and set apart.
This one is going to be God all through time, and
eternity. He will never change; He loves
and cares for us. He is honest. No one has ever been more honest before you
than God. He shows us something to take
care of. He shows us a need and we say,
“You are right again.” He says, “Yes I’m
right, I’m God. I’m right, I’m pure, and
I’m holy.”
If you have more than one thing that is not right in your
life then you have failed to measure when God convicted you. You failed to measure here and you failed to
measure somewhere else and you are a great big mess. We have a God in heaven that is ready to deal
with messes.
He says, “I’m ready to deal with this mess,” and you say, “I
am too. Here are six things to deal
We feel so blessed to be saved, to have a home. I slept in our own bed and on my very own
pillow last night. I had the clock right
there just in case it was one of those nights that I woke up every hour on the
hour. It wasn’t. I slept way too late.
We are blessed to have people to fellowship and to call to
pray. We are blessed to have people to
show our love too.
If you are waiting for someone to show up and break a rib
hugging you then you are wrong. If you
are lonely then the problem is you. We
need to have so much love flowing out of us that we show love.
God’s throne is high and lifted up above all thrones. God doesn’t want us ever putting people on a perch
or a pedestal.
“I have to do this or they will be upset.” I’ll be asking her if she is mad and she’ll
be asking me if I’m mad. Stop right
there. There is one God on the throne
high and lifted up. We are all servants.
He has all dominion.
People talk about dogs, grizzlies, and hummingbirds that are
territorial. There is one above
everything, above all power. There is a
lot of power in the world today. A lot
of people are control freaks. Don’t give
them your eye; get your eye on Him.
God’s design for his church:
Jesus is a governor with a heart of a shepherd. We are so blessed. There is more to be said about a shepherd
than I can say this morning, because I haven’t studied it out.
There was a beautiful staff and there is that rod. There are times when you must have that rod
that keeps you from falling. There are
trails that you hike in Glacier that it is important that you have them or you
will slip. You don’t want to have a
great big fall.
Five characteristics of the throne: It is a throne of authority. When you look upon Jesus you are looking upon
authority. I’m not taking away from the
authority of the parents, the pastor, the husband, or the law officers. This throne is high and lifted up.
A throne of grace: It
is marvelous; he was sitting on this throne of grace. It is a throne of mercy. It is wonderful that you can go to a throne
of grace and mercy.
It is a throne of justice.
In the courtrooms it is a question of trials being decided before you
ever get into the room. It isn’t always
that way. You will get justice at His throne.
A throne with angels:
In the Old Testament it says 20,000 chariots and thousands of thousands
of angels. In the Gospel Day there are
an innumerable company of angels.
The humility of the angels: cover face, cover feet, and fly. This throne of power, grace, and mercy, also
has angels around it.
“Holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of
His glory.”
His glory filled the temple and now His glory fills the
whole earth.
There is an invitation to this throne. This throne of the King of kings, you and I
are invited to this throne.
Heb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne
of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
What does the vision of Christ, of God, (of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Ghost), mean to you personally on May 26, 2013.
If you are ready to pray this morning, I want to point you
to the throne where there is an innumerable company of angels. He is able to meet every need.
There is need of healing for this brother that fell that no
blood clots form. How long will it take
for my heart to heal? I don’t know, I
still miss my brothers, my sister, my mother, my father but there is something
at this throne that gives me comfort and helps me take my eyes off myself. As I worship Him I see Him high and lifted up
and He heals, directs and moves. I hear
the angels say, “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
He who has all power, strength, counsel, and wisdom,
supplies every need.
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