Brother Alex Figeroa Sunday Evening 7/19/15
Tonight we want to finish the message of the seventh
trumpet. There is so much in it that I
could actually preach the whole week. I
will try to conclude it by condensing some things.
This message is in two separate passages. Tonight we will go to Revelations chapter
Jesus gave John a revelation. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Preaching from this book is preaching Christ
from a different angle. It is a history
of the Church from the beginning to whenever He comes again.
You find all the dates on the chart in history when
something specific happened. John saw
seven scrolls that were sealed. No one
could open them but Jesus Christ. “The
Lamb of God has prevailed to open the seals.”
He heard, “Come and see.”
John sees what happened in the first seal, second seal, third seal, and
so on until he comes to the seventh seal.
We have already gone through all the seals in history. We are in the seventh seal time. The revelation has been completed. All the seals have been opened and God has
shown us the history of the Church.
People will tell you that all these things will come to pass
when Jesus comes again. They bring up
the antichrist, the rapture, and the 1000 years reign. These things are not true. There are thousands if not hundreds of
thousands books that you can find online or at the store about the
Jesus doesn’t have to ride a horse. There are no horses in heaven. Jesus doesn’t have to even move from where He
is at. All he has to do is to
speak. He spoke the world into
existence. He spoke and there was
Jesus sits on the top of His throne; He is in control. He doesn’t have to have a white horse or any
horse. He doesn’t have to have any
army. Besides, wars today are not fought
with horses. We have missiles. We have atomic bombs, etc.
The world will not be destroyed by war. Jesus made it; He will destroy it. When the seventh seal was opened a time of
silence came upon the people of God. To
break that silence God gave another message to John.
God gave seven trumpeters to break that silence. The trumpeters, the angels, are messengers. This is the last message. This is about to be over. A thousand years is like one day. I have heard that as a child.
We are coming to an end fast. Think of how bad America is now. This is not the same country that it was in
1962 when I came here. I don’t see in
America now what I saw when I was a boy.
Our values are being changed. We
have become undermined in every way possible.
Even Christians are saying there is nothing wrong with same-sex
marriages. America needs to be
saved. Most of the missionaries came
from England. Now it is one of the most
empty, cold countries that you have ever seen.
Some of the church buildings in Germany have been converted to hotels or
night clubs.
My wife’s family says, “You need to come to Germany and
preach.” All over Europe the young people
are not interested. Evil has taken
over. It is coming to America. You talk to people today and they say, “We
don’t have to be so harsh. Quit judging
We don’t have to judge, we are just saying what God has
already said. We are proclaiming the
judgment of God.
Rev 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh
angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as
he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
When the seventh trumpet sounded, several things took
place. “In the days of the voice of the
seventh angel…” There was a time about
the sixth seal that the people of God at that time thought, and were honest in
believing, that the sounding of the seventh angel would be the end of the
Many said, “There are some things here that we do not
understand. The reason that they did not
understand it is because they did not need to understand it. When the moment comes that you need to
understand something to fight something then He will help you to understand. If God had given you understanding of
everything that you were going through, you might never have gotten saved.
Some would say, “Does getting saved mean you will face
problems?” Life is life. You will have to face sickness, problems, and
economic issues whether you are saved or not.
The difference is that the unsaved don’t have God or peace. We have peace and hope. We can pray to God and we receive comfort,
consolation, and strength. He renews our
strength because we are waiting on Him.
There are battles that we will have just because we are
saved. He says if you take the cross you
will have problems. Not everyone will
accept you. You will have persecutions
for my sake.
He was honest with Paul.
Paul was a terrorist. He
persecuted the church and he was honest in doing it, thinking that he was doing
right. He thought that they were religious
fanatics that were trying to tear down the church.
Paul said, “I persecuted the church of God.” Why are we the church of God and not the
church of Christ? Christ is the head of
the church. Why not call ourselves the church of Christ?
If you do then you are leaving the Father out and the Holy
Ghost out. If we call ourselves the
church of the Father or the church of the Holy Ghost, then you are leaving out
Christ. We call ourselves the church of
God because that is the triune God. We
are the church of God.
Paul got saved. He
was converted. Totally and
completely. Less than four days later,
he was in Damascus the capitol of Syria.
It is the oldest city of the world.
Paul was responsible for the death of one of the first martyrs.
When Paul was converted on the road to Damascus he became
blind because of so much light. When he
met the Lord. There was so much
light. Jesus is the light, there is so
much righteousness.
Scales came off his eyes when Ananias came to visit
him. He was baptized. In those four days of waiting, God was honest
with him, “You will suffer for my sake; a lot of persecutions and tribulations
await you.” He told Ananias to pray for
Paul because he would go through great tribulations.
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ then you will be
persecuted too. Don’t take it personally
when people reject you. They are not
rejecting you but the Jesus Christ that is in you.
You will go through tribulations whether you get saved or
not. The saved will go through some
extra tribulations because we are following Jesus Christ who is not popular.
We are coming to an election. When any candidate expresses too much that
they are a Christian then he will not be elected. We are being persecuted, not with a stick, it
is with rejection, labels being put on you.
When the seventh trumpet sounded the mystery of God would be
finished. Some understood that as
meaning that that would be the end of the world. The fact that it says, “In the days…” shows
me that it is not the end of the world.
It does not say, “In the day.” It
is in the period of time that the seventh angle with the seventh trumpet is
It is still sounding in 2015. There is still the sound going through all
the world. I believe that God has a
people. They are in many countries. Just because I haven’t heard of them doesn’t
mean that they are not God’s church.
If they are walking according to what God has shown them,
living separate from organized religion, and call themselves the church of God,
then they are God’s church.
Some people have logos added to the words, “church of God.” That is not God’s church. If there is a pyramid with someone at the top
telling preachers what is going to happen this year, then that is not God’s
In the church of God that we are proclaiming, we are not
proclaiming that we are the only ones that are saved. There are people that are saved that are not
in the whole truth. They are held
captive by a denomination.
There are over 26 kinds of Baptist each with a different
type of headquarters. There are 100’s of
Pentecostal churches that all speak in tongues.
They say that that is a sign that they have received the Holy Ghost but
they are fighting among themselves like dogs.
Something is wrong. You can speak
in any tongue you want to. The less
tongue you use, the better it is.
In 1730’s John and Charles Wesley started preaching
holiness. It stopped a war between
England and France. They wanted to
preserve the fire that was in them so they made a mistake; they acknowledged
later that it was a mistake. They wrote
a book of methods. That is why they are
called the Methodist.
Fifty years down the road something happened. There was a division. The Methodists went one way and the Westlian
Methodist went another way. From those
groups of the Methodists came out the Pilgrim Holiness to fight the worldliness
they saw creeping in, and the Nazarene church came out because of worldliness
and the things that were happening.
There are thousands of churches today. Because of these things that happened, people
say that it doesn’t matter what you are called.
In inheritance the name is important.
When someone calls your name then you respond.
If your wife says, “I am Mrs. Rodriguez” how would you men
like it? You wouldn’t. You like your name to be in it. How would God feel if we call ourselves by a
name that is not His? It matters.
People were under the wrong teachings in the fourth seal,
fifth seal, sixth seal… they started coming out. People say, “There are so many churches, how
do we know what church is preaching the truth?”
Know the truth for yourself by studying the bible so that when you hear
the truth you will know which church is preaching the truth.
The bad news is that according to the New Testament and
according to History every fifty years there has been an apostasy. The first book recorded in the New Testament
is first Thessalonians. Paul is telling
the church at that time that an apostasy is coming.
At that time, 57 years after Christ, people were coming in
saying, “Christ is wholly divine, or they would say He is 50% human and 50%
divine, or they would say that He is all human.” Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. He was completely divine and He was
completely human. There was no 50% about
He got tired. The ark
was made of gold and wood. Divinity, and
humanity. That is why He can be
touched. He was tempted in all points
like we. Yet without sin.
The Jesus that we will meet in heaven is not the same one
that died on the cross. He was
resurrected. He came out of the tomb. When he met the disciples, when He met
Thomas, He said, “Thrust your hand in my side and feel the holes in my hands.” His body was already glorified. He could go through walls. He did not need doors. Yet He ate.
When Thomas had a hard time believing, “Unless I put my hand
in His side or see the hole in my hand.”
This is the glorified all divine Jesus Christ yet he said, “Put your
hand here.” Before He came down the
earth, he did not have any marks.
Because He loved you, you put those marks there.
He became a man and He was touched to the point and He dealt
with sin. The holy, all perfect God
dealt with sin. We talk about the
perfect Christ and what happened and what will happen in the end. Some of you may be present when Jesus
comes. Some of us may not be alive. We are going to be gone.
He could come tonight.
Everything has already happened.
The antichrist is here already.
John told us that. Be careful,
you can be sitting beside one tonight.
They say in their mouth that they believe but in their heart they are
saying, “I don’t believe it.” Any
person, authority, or anything else that rejects that you can live holy is the
They say, “Jesus could live holy because he was the son of
God. Whose son are you? Are you the son of God?
Jesus was the first born among many brethren. He is my brother. He can be yours too. You have been hearing preachers and tele-evangelists
that want your money saying all this weird stuff, “Send me some money; I will
send you some soap and when your family comes they will put it on their body
when they get a shower and they will be saved.”
In Miami they have a child’s swimming pool that they say, “If you pass
through the water you will be a new man, you will be healed of your diseases.”
When you tell people that they have to quit their sinning,
they are hearing something new. I don’t
ask any if they are Christians today. Many
people say that they are Christians. Jesus
is a name. Christ is not a name, it is a
title. It means the anointed one. The word, ‘Christians,’ means ‘little
anointed ones.’
We are saying that we are the little anointed ones when we
say that we are Christians. If you say
that He is in you, then how come you have not quit sin? It is not complicated, but religion has
brought such a smoke screen over our nation and over many nations that people have
become confused.
There is a church; that church is alive, and we are a part
of that church tonight. I am glad that
my parents came out of false religion.
The seventh trumpet would sound for a period of time. Aren’t you glad that the seventh angel is
still sounding? There are two reactions
to this message of the seventh trumpet.
One is a positive reaction.
Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were
great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and
he shall reign for ever and ever.
Heaven, heavenly places:
If you hear this message and obey then you will surrender your kingdom
and enter His kingdom. It is not a
literal kingdom. Anything that your
influence touches is your kingdom. It
needs to be surrendered to God. If you
hear this message you may have to surrender the kingdom of your church.
What is more important?
Obeying God or hanging around with your friends. I don’t like the word ‘hang.’ Bats hang and opossums. I am not a bat or an opossum. I am not hanging. Some people hang themselves by the neck too. We don’t want that one.
There are people in the church that have done a favor for them,
they were there when they were sick, and the pastor was a nice guy. Jesus said, “He that does not forsake houses,
lands, even their life for me, is not worthy of me.”
He is first. He must
be first over any pastor or congregation.
Your fidelity must be to Him. Not
to a pastor or a religion.
There are two things that keep us together in unity. One thing is the truth and the other is love. Love and truth is enough. That is why we don’t have to have a
headquarter system. You cannot force a
man and woman to be together unless there is truthfulness and love. If that is there then it will last. It will even work with those that are not
There is a positive reaction, the kingdoms of the earth
became God’s. He has a right to take
things from you but He does not. You
must yield your kingdom to Him. Everything
belongs to God. Even your children
belong to God. They are not yours. You are only doing the job of raising them
for His glory. He can take them away
from you.
When you bring them to Him, things change. Remember Hannah? Hers is a beautiful message. Her self-esteem was gone. She came to the temple and started
praying. Her lips were moving but there
was no voice. The priest thought that
she was drunk.
She told God that if He would give the child then she would
give him back. She footed the bill,
supplied the clothes and provided the food.
Because she submitted to God, the Lord gave her more children.
“If you forsake lands, I will give you mothers and fathers,
a hundred fold.” It is a principal of God. You plant a corn seed and you get many corn seeds
at harvest. That is the idea of ‘hundred
fold’. It gives way more back then you
When you give to God your kingdom, your children, your
philosophy, your selfishness, you say, “Lord have your way with me. I am going to surrender my stubbornness, my
selfishness…” God will give you back
more than you gave Him.
I have seen this principal working in my own life. I give to God and He gives a hundred fold
back. We had a sister that said, “I give
to God in spoons, he gives back in shovels.”
There was a war in history that the English were fighting
against the French in open water. When
the French captain said, “I surrender.”
The English captain said, “Then give me your sword.”
We say, “I surrender all,” but we keep our sword. When it gets right where you are at, when it
gets close then it is hard. When you
have to surrender your comfort and your nest you ask, “Do I have to do this in
order for God to bless me?” If you give
God your nest, He will give you a condominium back.
The positive reaction is that they surrendered their
kingdoms. God wants you to surrender
your kingdom.
God says, “Son do you want me?”
“Then give me all the keys to your possessions.”
The story goes that the man got them out and gave them to God and said, “These are all my keys.”
God said, “Very well, what about the tiny one that is not on the ring?”
The man said, “That one is not important. It is just a little one. I gave you the important ones.”
God said, “I need all the keys or none. I will give you back the ring unless you give me the little one.”
“Then give me all the keys to your possessions.”
The story goes that the man got them out and gave them to God and said, “These are all my keys.”
God said, “Very well, what about the tiny one that is not on the ring?”
The man said, “That one is not important. It is just a little one. I gave you the important ones.”
God said, “I need all the keys or none. I will give you back the ring unless you give me the little one.”
God is not unjust. Is
it up to the clay to say, “Why have you made me this way?” Are you going to argue with your
creator? You don’t want to fall into the
hands of the living God.
God can deliver you from anything. If you fall into the hands of the living God,
who is going to deliver you? The most
powerful force in the world is God. If
you fall into His hand because you have stirred up His anger then there is no
Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were
great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and
he shall reign for ever and ever.
Once you surrender you are added forever and ever. Everything has been surrendered. He is not coming to the earth to live here
forever and ever. Get that out of our
mind. There is something that is better
than this earth.
Rev 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is
come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou
shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and
them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy
the earth.
People are angry today.
They are angry with God. They
call you homophobics. They say you are
crazy, fanatics, behind the times, the dinosaur. They say, “We are in the 21st
century. Do you still believe that the
bible is true?” They say that the miracles
that happened didn’t happen the way that they are written. One preacher reasoned that it was not
difficult for the Children of Israel to cross the red sea as at that time it
was only eight inches of water. There was
an older lady there that rejoiced that God was able to drown the whole Egyptian
army in only eight inches of water.
Satellites have picked up the path of the prints of the
million people that traveled from Egypt to Canaan, wandering for forty
Hold onto the truth.
The reward is coming. Don’t lose your
crown. We have come through many
problems and situations; tears have been wept.
We have come too far to turn back.
Please finish.
It is not who gets there first; it is to finish. If you cannot run then walk. If you cannot walk then limp. If you have to get on all fours then
finish. Get it done. By the grace of God I mean to finish. We don’t know what is ahead, but we need to
God says, “Are you angry at me? Alright I will be angry at you.” God is angry today. The bible teaches clear that when God is
angry, the wrath of God abides in those that refuse to believe. Any person that is out of the order of
God. Yes God loves all mankind, but
don’t forget that God is a consuming fire.
We are coming fast to the end. Let us finish. Let us go to the end. Let us finish the message of the seven
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