1Sa 3:10 And the LORD came, and stood, and called as
at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant
I don’t have an exact age for Samuel when this account took
place. All of us remember God speaking
to us.
The Lord Came: it is
wonderful when Jesus comes. God came
strongly to me recently. We always
appreciate when God comes.
He came, stood, and called, “Samuel…” Samuel answered because he had been
instructed to say, “Speak; for thy servant heareth you.”
When Samuel was a little boy, he was a miracle baby. His mother and father vowed to give him back
to the Lord. At the appointed time they
brought him back to the temple and he lived there and ministered before the
Samuel helped with the chores around the temple. He had responsibilities to do. It is important that children have
responsibilities and learn to be responsible.
We love to encourage children. I love to sing with children. I like to take the hymnal and even if they
cannot read I like them to follow along with me as we sing the songs.
You children are blessed to learn to sing these beautiful
songs. All of us are blessed to have
these songs to sing.
The Word of the Lord was precious and there was no open
vision. There is a great famine of
hearing the pure, undiluted Word of God again in the world today. As in this day the Word was precious. There was not much time given to the Word of
Even above the name of God His Word is exalted. John chapter 1 teaches us that Jesus is the
Word of God. It is vital that we have
the Word of God spoken to us. It is wonderful
when God speaks His word to us.
There was no open vision:
I am on the ending of the journey.
People look at me and ask, “Have you retired? Aren’t you going to start spending the money
that you have saved?” Our treasure is
over in heaven. I hope I can work until
I preach my last message. Then I just
want to go into the presence of God.
We need a vision that God is going to do wonderful
things. We are living in perilous
times. We need an open vision of what
God wants us to do. One soul is worth
more than all the world.
If we can help one soul, if we can encourage a child in BST
or in VBS and help them to know the plan of salvation. VBS is more than just getting children out of
the home. It is a way to instill the way
to get right with God and stay right with God.
Eli’s sons had drifted away from God. God was there. Eli’s vision had faded, the lamp of God was
about to go out. The candle stick is
important in studying the Word of God.
Revelations teaches us that Jesus was walking among the candlesticks.
The Word of GOD is a wonderful treasure, a book above all
books. It is vital that the reality of
the triune God is alive and well. Jesus
is the light of the World.
We can take the word of God and it comes alive by the Spirit
of God. The lamp of God was about to go
out. Every one of us that has been
taught knows how important it is that we keep oil in our lamps, keep our lamps
trimmed and our lights shining bright.
Samuel lay down to sleep.
Have you wondered why God speaks to you, me, or someone else at a
specific time? “Why did God give me that
Sometimes you wake in the night and you hear God
calling. Sometimes without premeditation
your mind goes to an existing condition in your life. Sometimes your mind goes to whomever that it might
My dad was killed September 8, 1968. In the process of time I got a letter from a
lady that said, “I had no idea why I was praying for you September 8,
1968. I just prayed, and prayed for you.” God has a way of speaking to us and a way of
speaking to others.
God spoke to Samuel as he was sleeping and called him by
Is 43 I have called thee by thy name.
Isa 43:1 But now thus saith the LORD that created
thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed
thee, I have called thee by thy name;
thou art mine.
It is marvelous that He knows us by our name. We are not just, “Hey whatchamacallit.”
‘Samuel’ means asked of God.
Samuel heard his name called and he hastened to Eli. “Eli, Here I am.” Eli said, “I didn’t call.”
He heard his name called again and again went to Eli. Samuel didn’t know the voice of the Lord.
1Sa 3:7
Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD
yet revealed unto him.
1Sa 3:8
And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went
to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou
didst call me. And Eli perceived that the LORD had called the child.
1Sa 3:9
Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he
call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel
went and lay down in his place.
1Sa 3:10 And the LORD came, and stood, and called as
at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant
Sometimes God has to speak, speak, and then speak
again. It is not the thought of being
rebellious. We answer and do all He
wants us to do. We hear Him call again
the next day and the next. God spoke to
Samuel again. Eli perceived that God
spoke to this child.
Eli told him, Go lie down.
If God calls thee, answer, “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth.”
Samuel went and lay down.
The lord came and stood and called.
I can envision God standing by that little child. He was about the age of some of the boys that
are here. God stood there and called
You say, “I would be afraid if God came and stood by my
bed.” You don’t need to be afraid of
God. You mothers, young married couples,
you widows, and you that are concerned about your health. For Sister Darla, she will say, “My forgetter
is working way too good.” God will come
and stand by her bed.
It is ok when God comes and stands by your bed and speaks to
you. He gives a burden, we carry it and
bring it to God over and over again.
Then one day He comes back with a song.
“Yes, Jesus took my burden I could no longer bear,
Jesus took my burden in answer to my prayer.
My anxious fear subsided, my spirit was made strong,
When Jesus took my burden and left me with a song.”
Jesus took my burden in answer to my prayer.
My anxious fear subsided, my spirit was made strong,
When Jesus took my burden and left me with a song.”
God came and stood by Samuel. You boys, God is going to come and stand by
you. That is how God is. We wouldn’t leave the young ladies out. You
are not left out. You can count on God
being there in preschool years, in grade school, and in high school; God will
be there.
When God speaks to any of us. When He calls our name, our response should
be, “Speak; for thy servant heareth.”
We are happy that children can minister before God. Children have an active part in this
congregation. Children know how to
minister to the Lord. Parents teach them
to pray and to sing.
There was a famine of the Word of God in Samuel’s day. There was a lack of vision. We live in a world where there are a lot of
visuals. There is computer technology…
it is vital that you have a vision from the Word of God.
We must have a vision of where we came from. I am so thankful that the scene changed from
where I was and where I was headed.
We also need a vision of what we have come to. You got saved that is good. You are seeking to be sanctified and filled
with the Holy Spirit that is good. We
have come to the New Jerusalem.
We need to know where we are headed. We must have a vision of that which God wants
us to do.
God was concerned about the conditions. God is concerned about spiritual conditions
today. You might feel limited. But God has a job. You may not be able to leave your house or
your chair but God has a work for you to do.
God was preparing a man.
God in the past has prepared men to be mightily used of God. It is men and women that will choose to walk
humbly with God that will choose to love God more than everything that is in
the world: the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of
The world has always been the world. God was preparing a man to be used of God. The eternal God speaks to children. The eternal God speaks to all.
Samuel lacked understanding.
We are not critical of that. I
have been saved a while and I am thankful for that. What I understand today I didn’t understand
my first week, my first month, or my first year of walking with God. God leads His dear children along.
God knows how to lead you from where you are to the next
step. He is a marvelous teacher of what
we need to know.
We are looking forward to seeing that new little baby and
giving her a bible and singing the song, “How sweet to hold that new born
God was preparing a man.
God today is preparing boys, girls, men and women. He speaks to all. Samuel lacked understanding but God had a
plan for spiritual understanding.
I don’t understand all the bible but what light is shown on
my pathway I enjoy walking in. There are
things about the Revelations that I don’t understand. In the times that we live, there are things
that I don’t even try to keep up with.
What we do understand is what we are accountable to God
God moved upon Eli to perceive that God was speaking. Sometimes someone speaks to us and we are not
as quick as we wish we were in knowing what to say. Sometimes we know what to say and sometimes
later we know more what to say.
It is vital that we keep an open door between us and the Spirit
of God to know what to say. Then in
humility, be able to go back and say, “There is more that I would like to say.”
God came and called, “Samuel, Samuel.” I have no question that God will speak to everyone
here again. God may speak to you this
morning. He may speak to you this
week. After God spoke, Samuel answered,
“Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth.”
God loves to talk to children. He loves to have children serving Him. He will speak to children. May each one of us be in our place to
instruct. Eli’s sons were poor
examples. God has left us excellent
examples in the Word of God.
Hebrews 11: Pray that I will be tenderhearted toward souls. If I am not, then some will be lost.
Times were difficult but God had a strategy and a plan. He spoke to Moses. He spoke to Abraham. We have excellent examples of Him speaking to
God has left us with excellent examples in our own
lives. Sister Peters was a mother of a
son that graduated in 1966. He went into
the marines and went to Vietnam. He came
home with ¼ of his head shot off. Sister
Peters fasted for her boy all the time that he was in the service.
She got the word that he was in the naval hospital in San Diego. She took a bus, got there, and visited with
the surgeon. He told her, “There is no
hope. Even if he lives he will be a
vegetable.” She said, “Surgeon, Johnny
has to live. He is not saved. I have prayed and prayed.”
The surgeon told her, “We are going to put the largest plate
in a head that we have ever put in. If he
lives he will be a vegetable, but I appreciate your faith.”
Johnny lived. One day
Johnny told her, “I am going to check out.”
At a revival meeting in Espanola they sang the hymn, “Lord I am coming
home.” Johnny stood up, went to the
front pew and though he could not bow, he sat on the pew and got saved.
I don’t know how much time passed but he said, “I want to go
to camp-meeting.” God is a God of
miracles. You may need a miracle. He is still a God of miracles.
To all: when He speaks may we say, “Speak for thy servant
We are blessed when God comes into our congregation and
calls our name. There is one that is
greater than Solomon here. May we be
challenged and convicted. It is time to
hear and obey the Word of God.
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