Brother Gary Sunday Morning 2/17/13
Mic 6:6 Wherewith shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come
before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old?
Mic 6:7 Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of
rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of
oil? shall I give my firstborn for my
transgression, the fruit of my body for
the sin of my soul?
Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
The prophet knew that there were lots of gods. There have always been gods beside the True
God. There is an identity in our souls
that wants to make contact with the only true God that inhabits eternity.
Can I get to God with an offering? How can I get to God? How can I find this true, High God? Will he be happy if I come before Him with
great gifts: With ten thousands of rivers of oil or with my firstborn? He was in earnestness posing these questions
to bring the thought, “What does God require so that we can reach to the true God
that makes a difference in men and women’s lives?”
What shall a sinner do with the sins of the soul? When God begins dealing with the heart of a
needy one, He knows how to prepare the heart and make it real that He loves
them, cares for them, and identifies with the sins of the soul.
2Co 7:10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to
salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
It is a noble question, “How can I get to God?” It is a right question, “Shall I bring an
offering, or something else for the forgiveness of my soul?”
There is a marvelous work of God that happens in the hearts
of an individual before they can get saved.
Godly sorrow works repentance.
Some can be sorry because they were caught or because of the trouble
that it has cost them in their life or in their family, but it takes Godly
sorrow to work repentance not to be repented of.
How can an individual, that is troubled because of the sin
in their soul, how can they get right with God?
The Bible has the answer. The
first thing is to have godly sorrow that works repentance. The individual that experiences Godly sorrow
is very blessed of God: someone that has the identity that they have sinned
first against God and also against other mankind. Sin not only affects the individual’s life
but also others.
Godly sorrow works repentance. Repentance is something that Godly sorrow
brings. Repentance means first to
1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Confess means first confess to God. He is faithful and just. We are dealing with a just God. I am awestruck at the justice of God because
there is really no way that any of us could pay for our sin. I couldn’t bring 10,000 rams, rivers of oil,
or a huge offering.
Every mankind can bring a broken heart and a heart that
realizes that first I have sinned against God.
God has never done anyone wrong.
He created us to first love us and then for us to love Him.
He created us that first Godly sorrow would come to a soul. When this happens, the identity with the
world begins to fade, the identity with what others think fades. The identity with yes there is pleasure in
sin, but the reward and what it works in my life makes me want to get out of
the sin business.
It is because of Jesus, the shed blood of Jesus, because of
God loving the world, loving his son, and loving mankind that we can confess
and be forgiven of our sin.
Repentance brings you to salvation. Salvation means deliverance, help, safety,
victory, and health. It is wonderful
that there is deliverance from that old life of sin, from bad habits, from all
that would defile us.
Salvation is help.
When we come to Jesus confessing and repenting, we become a new babe in
Christ with someone to love us, care for us, and give us all the tools so that
we can grow and mature. There is help
for every soul that will turn to God with all their heart.
There is safety. We
live in a world when literal safety is less and less. When we go to bed at night we pray for
safety. The young lady shot in South
Africa breaks your heart in many ways.
The thought that a young man that could have been used as a tool for God
would do this is heart breaking.
It is a wonderful thing that we have a God to protect
us. In a world where Satan is loosed
from his prison we can be protected.
There is the still small voice that says, “Be careful; don’t even
entertain some of those thoughts.” It is
a wonderful thing to be protected from the spirits of the world.
Salvation means that there is victory. God has ordained that we not just barely get
through life, always unhappy and under the paw of the enemy, always battling. God ordained that we be happy and victorious.
There is health.
Health means life. We can be
healthy mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not,
but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have
life, and that they might have it
more abundantly.
Every one of us wants to remember that there is an enemy,
the devil, in the world that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. It is sad the way he robs people of
life. People are looking for love, being
loved and showing love. The enemy robs
people of life.
He robs husbands and families of really loving one
another. Love is only love when it is
expressed. The enemy puts people in such
bondage that they are not able to love their husband, their wife, or one
He comes to kill. He
messes up lives and kills the hunger and thirst for God. People blatantly tell
you that they don’t want to serve God.
This is a terrible thing.
The thief comes to destroy.
People destroy an individual’s life.
Jesus came to give life and to give life abundantly. It is a wonderful thing that Jesus came to
give life and to give vibrancy in life.
Godly sorrow brings us to the place where “I’m willing to
pay the total price because I never want to go back to sin.” I will serve God my whole life by God’s grace
and will never return back to sin.
Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
He has showed thee what is good: the ways of the Lord are right. I think of the prophet Jeremiah. He left us instruction, “Stand in the ways
and ask for the old paths wherein the good way is.” There is a very good way, the Bible way, the
highway of holiness, Jesus who said, “I am the way.”
God requires us to do justly. To do justly is to do as God requires. It is wonderful that God requires what we are
capable of doing. We are happy for the
children, the young people, the adults, and the seniors that are in this
audience. The same God knows exactly
what a child is capable of understanding, what a young person, and what an
adult or senior is capable of.
God asks that children do justly what they know that God
requires them to do. Children are taught
to pray, the value of devotions, the value of telling the truth, obey mother
and father, do jobs at home, and be good at school. God will not require too much of
He will not require too much of young people. He will shine just the right amount of light
on your heart and life that you can do justly and enjoy life and do what God
To love mercy: one of
my first thoughts is we want to love mercy because every one of us needs the mercy
of God. If it were not for the mercy of
God we would be consumed. His mercies
are new every morning. His mercy is as
high as the heavens.
As we come before God we can love mercy. I am coming before a God that requires me to
love mercy. I love mercy, I am trusting
God for His mercy for the day. God, our
requests we are bring up before you, and in your mercy will you remember
We can love the mercy of God that we would implore toward
those that have chosen to make your life miserable or have hurt you deep. The natural reaction would be to
retaliate. The better way would be, “God
give me grace to forgive and show mercy.”
Walk humbly before thy God:
there has been lots of preaching about humility and preaching against
pride and there could not be too much, but what I want to talk about is walking
with God with humility.
“My God and I go in the fields together, we walk and talk as
good friends should and do, we clasp our hands our voices ring with laughter.”
Walking humbly before God is when you come into His presence
and say, “God I’m not asking you to walk my way, I’m asking that you would help
me walk your way.” Where He leads me I
will follow.
The high God is a God of new beginnings. We can think of souls that are not here this
morning that need a new beginning. You
may be here and say, “Brother Kelly, I believe that I need a new beginning.” The one thing I want to tell you about God is
that God is a God of new beginnings. In
history, in the life of my parents, in my own personal life, in the testimony
of many that are in this audience, scripturally sound, Genesis 1:1 says, “In
the beginning, God.”
There was a time when nothing was like it is now. This world was without form and void and
darkness was here. God chose there to be
a beginning in creation.
Revelations 1:11 Jesus is the alpha and the omega. He is the first and the last.
In order for there to be a new beginning sometimes there
must be an ending. We all know some
things. December 31st at
midnight we ended year 2012. January
first at 12:01 we began a totally new year.
In our lives everyone needs the alpha and the omega of Jesus Christ
bringing an end and bringing a new beginning.
That is not just when we get saved. That is the beginning of new beginnings. We get saved, we are carried. If you feel godly sorrow and the need of
getting saved, God carries the lambs.
You may feel afraid to get saved, but you don’t need to. The safest place you can be is a new babe in
the arms of Jesus and in the arms of God the father.
There are times in our lives when we face new
beginnings. There were two people that
retired from their jobs last year. They
faced a new beginning. They were no
longer a part of the city of plains or of the postal service. It bought an end to some things and a
beginning to others.
In our spiritual life we begin our walk and we learn as we
go. We learn that we are not to use
slang. Before that you may have been a
slang user and then you read that your yea should be yea and your nay,
nay. You realized that slang is just
watered down words that God doesn’t want you to use.
I had an extreme amount to learn when I first got
married. My mom used to tell me and
David Stegmier that for never having children we sure knew a lot about raising
them. When I had my own I realized how
little I knew about raising children and I had a new beginning.
Rev 21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
This scripture happens many times in the life of an individual
and for sure at death. It happens many
times as we journey from conviction to perfection to maturity and living for
God. You will note if you look at the
scriptures previous to this that Jesus said, “I will make a new heaven and a
new earth.”
There is not any in this audience that doesn’t realize that
they need to be a new creature in Christ Jesus or realize on some things, “I
enjoyed that but I need to move on.”
A bride prepared for her husband. It is marvelous that we
have new beginnings of getting prepared.
We’ve been faced with totally new things this week. We cannot handle it the old way, it is a new
situation. We will see the same people
that we’ve seen before but they have changed since I last saw them. There have been things happen in their life
that will either make them feel more tender toward me or will have moved them
away from me.
If, without taking into consideration of how God has dealt
with people, I meet them the same way that I did last, God will be
grieved. God has been dealing with
Jan. If I deal with her with the same
preparation that I had last time that she needs to be saved, no, now Jan needs
to know that God loves her, that Jesus wept, that we care.
Two years ago in February her mother died and this year in
February her dad died. The doctor
Damschen I saw Friday was not the Dr Damschen that I had seen a month ago. His son almost went into eternity on Evaro hill
since then. It is wonderful that there
are new beginnings.
You may say, “I tried to work with them two years ago and it
was to no avail.” I understand but if
you meet with them and God opens the door, say, “God give me a new
beginning. If you have been working with
them, then give me a new beginning.”
I don’t know what your job of ministry will be this
week. There are a lot of jobs to
do. The young men and women need a new
beginning. Not only do they; you and I
may need a new beginning.
God spoke to me this week, forgetting those things that are
behind I press… a new beginning.
Brother and sister in Christ, do you need a new beginning of
thought in your mind? There are some old
battles that we won’t go to. Have you
been ripped off? Let’s have a new
beginning. Think of the one that did too
much for too little pay instead. Ask
God, “Do you want to give me a new job or do you want to give me a new vision
on this job?”
Do you need a new beginning of praises? If you are in a cycle of thought where each
morning you wake up to thoughts that go down, down, down. Let Jesus give you a new beginning of praises
and thanksgiving. God wants to give you
a new beginning.
God promised to dry the tears from our eyes. We don’t have to go back to the old life, no
more regrets, no more pain of the conscience.
The former is gone; it is God that makes all things new.
The overcomers: inherit all things. If you are challenged or afraid of the
challenge, God said that you could inherit all things. That which would destroy you or work problems, that which, "I have inherited and I don’t want, I cast it aside."
Peace, wisdom, joy, new beginnings.
To the overcomers: the Abba father would be ours. The father
not only of our nationality, but to all that would be saved. To my brother that is a Cuban, the Italian,
we have the same heavenly father. The savior,
the God of the Greek and of the Hebrew.
We are His sons and His daughters. If you need a new beginning this morning, it
is the easiest thing to have. The price has already been paid. You need bring no lamb, or river of oil, the
price has already been paid. You can
come just as you are. You can be saved.
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