Brother Gary Sunday Evening 7/1/12
1Ch 29:10 Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all
the congregation: and David said, Blessed be
thou, LORD God of Israel our father, for ever and ever.
1Ch 29:11 Thine, O LORD, is
the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty:
for all that is in the heaven and in the
earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as
head above all.
Before God made the sun, the moon or the stars God created
light. He is Almighty. He spoke and there was light. Whoever we might be dealing with, when God
speaks, things begin to transpire. He
spoke the world into existence and caused the waters to be gathered
together. He also created the
He made man in His own image. He created us with a literal body and with a
soul that will live forever. We lost our
connection with God through Adam and Eve’s sin.
We were all born with a nature to sin and all of us have gone into sin
after the age of accountability. God in
His mercy made a way for us to be won back to God. It is a full redemption. He made a way that we no longer have to
battle the nature to sin but it can be moved out.
The Glory of God is the presence of God. It is wonderful when God comes near and we
feel His presence. David cried out, “Oh God,
when can I appear before God.” How sad
our lives are when we feel that we have displeased God and are under a
God’s majesty: The greatness belongs to God. There is no one great among us. We will never have any greatness. Anything that we do that helps another is the
greatness of God coming into and flowing through us.
We need lots of miracles in Paradise. We are facing some real challenges. Since we know the eternal God that has all
power, we are looking for what no man can do but God can do. The power belongs to God.
Nehemiah said, “The good hand of our God was upon us.” In Acts it is recorded, “God stretch forth
thy hand.” God stretched forth His hand
and performed miracles. He is just the
same today. We are all facing some
things. It is a wonderful thing that we
can have victory up to the day of our death and victory the day we die.
As sad as it was the night that my mother died, when I got
there she asked about my wife and little girls and then said, “Bless the Lord
oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name.” We can bless the Lord to the last moment of
our life. We don’t want to go out
whining and complaining. No matter what
we face, we have individual battles but we can have the victory.
Majesty is the grandeur of God. As I walked this morning I looked upon this
hillside. Last year there was a fire there
that may have been an acre. I saw the
beautiful pines and the beautiful creation of that hillside. While talking to Gyme he told me that there
was a fire that was jumping a thousand feet out maybe in Colorado. I thought to myself that if there had been a
fire that was jumping thousand feet, it wouldn’t take an hour and the whole
hillside would be burned.
I enjoy looking at trees and the beautiful creation of God. That is just a little of the grandeur of
God. The song, “I see Him in a baby
smile.” It is wonderful that God has a
way of sending things our way every once in a while that let us know that God
is alive and real.
In a world that is so full of sin and the imaginations are evil. It was this way in the days of Noah. It is wonderful that right in the midst of
sin and corruption a baby can be born and we see the face of God. I read of an account of a man that looked
into the face of a baby and said, “Baby, tell me all about God before you
The greatest grandeur of God is not when God created this
world. We plant seeds in our garden and
God ordained that another crop would be produced from that crop. The grandeur of God is that God looks upon
humanity and hears their heart cry. The
grandeur of God is right there to help.
I think of individuals that have chosen the broad road of sin. There is no one that is on that road that
isn’t headed for destruction. If they
continue on that road, they will reach a place where they will be faithless and
not able to get to God.
God looks upon souls that we are burdened and praying for, (It
is an urgent thing; there is no soul need that is not urgent.) Those in Afghanistan are in danger and it is
When you and I think of the grandeur of God, it is shown
when an individual begins to repent and to call out to God and to realize that
there needs to be total changes in their life; the pleasure of sin has no
longer any thought of any enjoyment.
When they begin to cry out to God then God changes His mind. In this way, He repents.
We were all on that road headed to destruction. We think of the grandeur of God. People are little, they remember prejudices
and things that they should have let go down the stream a long time ago. God said, “If that individual will repent and
turn, then I will have different thoughts.”
Majesty means seven things: Beauty, let the beauty of the Lord appear to
us. There is such a beauty in the
majesty that belongs only to God.
It is marvelous that He will beautify the meek with
salvation. A life that has been twisted
and torn by the mean world that we live in can be made beautiful.
A mind that has been polluted and deformed by sin and misery
can have the blood of Christ applied to their heart, soul, and mind and God
begins to take that vessel that was marred and banged up, hurt and abused. He takes that vessel and that life when they
begin to turn and repent of their sin and puts it back on that wheel and begins
to make it anew. You talk about the
grandeur and majesty of God!
When you drop a piece of pottery that has been put through a
kiln, the person that made it can do nothing with it. God is different. He can take that life that has been so hard
and hell bent not wanting to do anything with God or the bible. The power of God takes that life and starts
to add the water of the word and the Spirit of God and the hand of God begins
to mold it.
God’s majesty means comeliness. We find ourselves in awkward situations
sometimes. There is such value to the
majesty of God. It can make us beautiful
in awkward situations. There is a way
for us to get before God and have God move in our heart, our soul, and in our
attitude toward things. He can take the
awkwardness out of us. I’m little but
God is big. He has the power to help you
to be sweet and unawkward in an awkward situation.
Majesty means excellence.
We can have an excellent spirit as Daniel did.
We will have opportunity between now and Wednesday night to
offer ourselves willingly to God.
Everyone has a full schedule. Who
will yield themselves to God?
It takes God to rescue a soul. To be a parent today, how they need God to
help them. You can have problems with your
hot water heater and with a little money they can get it checked out and fix it
just right. But when you deal with
souls; it takes God to deal with the soul.
Parents and grandparents need to hear from God. We have a God that is up to date in this new
day. Keep it in the imagination of your
heart how great God is. God is greater
and of more value than anything that will ever be offered to you.
Unless we make the choice to have how great God is in our heart,
sin can appear as pleasure. Moses chose
rather to suffer affliction with the people of God then to enjoy the pleasures
of sin for a season.
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